
Processed with VSCOcam with t1 presetWelcome to my website! My name is Marie Vazelakis and I am a 21 year-old student at The University of Southern California, double majoring in Public Relations at the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism and Business Administration at the Marshall School of Business. I begun this website, in my Journalism 351 class and have continued to upload my class and internship work here.

A little bit about myself: I lived in Malibu, California for the first 15 years of my life until my family and I moved half way across the globe to Dubai, UAE. This was possibly one of the biggest changes of my life and I would not change it for the world. As a person that embraces different cultures and thrives off of diversity, I loved being in a culturally diverse country. I have to admit, it was difficult to leave my whole life behind in Los Angeles but as a person I grew tremendously.

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As I have moved back from Dubai and returned to beautiful California, it has been a tough transition. I attended Chapman University my first year of college and ended up deciding that it was not the right school for me. I chose to transfer to USC my sophomore year of college and it has been nothing but amazing.