Jonathan Ive Bio

Jonathan Ive

Senior Vice President, Design

ive_hero20110204Jonathan Ive, Senior Vice President of Design at Apple Inc, is the designer of the highly anticipated Apple Watch. Since 1992, he has designed many Apple products, such as the iMac, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Mac mini, iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini, and the iOS7.

Ive finally began working for Apple in 1992 after being heavily recruited for two years. He first started as a consultant and then began full time, until Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 and promoted him to head of the industrial design team. Ive’s first project under Jobs was to design the first iMac. Through his career at Apple, him, along with his team of almost two decades, have created all of Apple’s most popular products.

Ive is an astonishing designer and is recognized throughout the world. He currently holds 730 patents, named designer of the year by the Design Museum London and the Royal Designer by The Royal Society of Arts in 2003, appointed the Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 2006 and promoted to Knight in 2012, and awarded a gold Blue Peter badge by Blue Peter. Many of his Apple products are showcased in museums worldwide, such as MoMA in New York and the Pompidou in Paris.

Throughout his time at Apple Ive worked closely with Steve Jobs and they both perceived and understood what one another wanted out of the product. Ive continues to thrive with his team of designers who produce all of Apples astonishing products.

Ive earned a Bachelor of Arts and an honorary doctorate from Newcastle Polytechnic. Prior working for Apple, he worked with the design agency Roberts Weaver, then following at a design startup agency called Tangerine. Ive continues to work at Apple designing up-and-coming technology, with his latest project the Apple Watch.


Marie Vazelakis

(310) 924-9544

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